Admissions Stories

Major Moment: Novy Goetgeluk '25
"Feed every bit of intellectual hunger that your brain is asking for and make the most of your college experience because of it!"

2025 Bryn Mawr Bucket List
"What do you want to accomplish in 2025?"
Moving Out of State: Sofia Azuara '25
"Just because you’re leaving your city doesn't mean that you're leaving your community."

Clara Wells-Dang '27
"Bryn Mawr nourishes my creativity and continues to reshape my understanding of success."

Major Moment: Sofía Díaz ‘26
"Choosing a major does not limit you, rather it gives you skills that you can apply across many fields—so choose what excites and motivates you to learn more!"

Major Moment: Kit Kringel '27
"I let myself get into what exactly I found interesting from my high school studies—conservation, ecology, sustainable living systems, and international sustainable policy."

Mawr Insight: Visits & Events
"I remember visiting Bryn Mawr and I felt that throughout my visit all the priorities on my list were checked off."

What do we mean by “holistic application review”?
"Our aim is to understand you not just as an academic performer, but as a whole human, one shaped by the multiple, rich contexts in which you exist."

Mawr Insight: College Fairs 101
"Be open-minded throughout the interaction — don’t rule out a school before gaining enough information, you might surprise yourself!"

Fly-In Programs: Lantern Scholars
"A fly-in program allows you to experience the college environment in a way that a regular campus visit might not allow you."

Mawr Insight: Interviewing 101
"It can be hard to learn about student clubs and dorm life, but in an interview you can talk about these things in detail."

Mawr Insight: The Summer Before Senior Year
"There’s a lot you can do the summer before senior year to prepare for the college application cycle. And trust me, when you’re in the swing of the school year, you’ll be glad you did!"